Cleaner Air Ahead
Clean Air Zones are being introduced in cities and towns across England to tackle roadside nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations. High levels of NO2 have been shown to damage our lungs and airways. Clean Air Zones are areas where the most polluting vehicles will be charged to drive, and our campaign aims to ensure drivers are aware of these zones and know how to check if they need to pay.
We needed to make sure everyone who will be directly affected by a new Clean Air Zone is aware of when the zone comes into effect and knows how they can check whether they will need to pay to drive their vehicle in the zone. But we also need to show the health benefits the Clean Air Zones will bring and encourage people to use healthier forms of transport.
So we imagined what it would feel like if we all had cleaner air, and how we would experience the benefits in everything we do: working, shopping, visiting, playing and living.
The first Clean Air Zones are being introduced in Bath and Birmingham this year.